Shaykh Imam Hassan Ali Cisse
Shaykh Hassan was a consummate scholar and spiritual guide. He
received a complete training in the traditional Islamic sciences: the
Qur’an and its exegesis (tafsir), Prophetic traditions (hadith) and history (seerah), jurisprudence and its sources (fiqh and usul), literature (adab), poetry, grammar and Sufism (tasawwuf
). After memorizing the Qur’an at a young age in Mauritania, he was
educated mostly in Senegal under the personal supervision of Shaykh
Ibrahim Niasse, who had gathered in Kaolack, Senegal, some of the most
renowned scholars from Senegal, Mauritania, Nigeria, and beyond. These
included Shaykh Hassan’s own father, Sidi Ali Cisse, and his mother,
Sayyida Fatima Zahra Niasse. The Cisse lineage, originally Mande
speakers, is one of the most ancient scholarly groups in West Africa,
tracing its conversion to Islam back 1000 years to Kumbe Saleh, one of
the great cities of West Africa’s proud history. In many places in West
Africa, “Cisse” used to be simply synonymous with “scholar.”
Shaykh Hassan’s own scholarly reputation earned him the respect of Muslim ‘ulama around the world. For example, Shaykh Yasin al-Fadani (d. 1990), the Indonesian musnid of the Hijaz, sent him a personal diploma (ijaza)
transmitting the some 700 diplomas Shaykh Yasin had collected from
prominent scholars throughout the Islamic world. Similarly, the great
Hadith scholar of Medina, Shaykh Ahmad Muhammad Abd al-Jawwad, presented
him with an ijaza after being instructed to do so in a
visionary encounter with the Prophet Muhammad. Shaykh Hassan Cisse
himself possessed more than 600 ijazas from Muslim scholar all
around the world, the most cherished of which remains that from his
grandfather, Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse.
Although Shaykh Hassan was only thirty at the time of his
grandfather’s passing, Shaykh Ibrahim was said to show him special favor
from the time of his birth in 1945. In Shaykh Ibrahim’s last will and
testament, he recommended his own children to his closest disciple and
lifelong companion, Sidi Ali Cisse, and said that they should “be with
him as they are with me now.” The will mentions Shaykh Hassan by name as
the community’s Imam after his father. Shaykh Hassan was the last to
see Shaykh Ibrahim alive.
Besides the “traditional” sciences, Shaykh Hassan also attained high
merit in later academic education, completing a B.A. in Islamic Studies
and Arabic Literature from Ain Shams University (Cairo, Egypt) and an
M.A. in English from the University of London. Near completion of his
PhD in Islamic Studies at Northwestern University (Chicago, IL), his
father passed, and Shaykh Hassan was obliged to return to Senegal to
assume the imamate in Kaolack. Shaykh Hassan is fluent in Arabic,
English, French, Hausa and his native Wolof language.
Shaykh Hassan Cisse continued the work of his grandfather,
introducing Islam to thousands and unifying diverse cultures under the
banner of Islam. The Shaykh positively affected the lives of many in
societies rife with ethnic and religious tensions, such as Nigeria,
Mauritania, South Africa and the United States. Shaykh Hassan first came
to America in 1976, and since worked tirelessly to promote good-will
and positive exchange between Americans and the international Muslim
community, emphasizing the essential spirituality and etiquette (Sufism)
of Islam to promote individual betterment and real brotherhood. These
efforts bore fruit through the founding of the African American Islamic
Institute (, a UN
recognized non-governmental organization (NGO) which promotes education,
health care, women’s rights, and international exchange and dialogue
between America and West Africa.
Shaykh Hassan’s social efforts were recognized by several
international organizations, such as the World Health Organization
(WHO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA), the United Nations
Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Rotary International. He frequently
participated in the United Nations annual conference for the world-wide
NGO community. He participated in annual United Nations conferences for
NGOs and was a frequently invited guest speaker at UNICEF and other
UN-sponsored events. His role as an eminent Islamic scholar committed to
the real needs of humanity also occasioned his election as President of
the recently formed Network of African Islamic Organizations for
Population and Development. For an example of his address of
international humanitarian concerns from the perspective of an Islamic
scholar, see his speech delivered at a 2007 meeting of the Organization
of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia: The Role of Religious Leaders in Polio Eradication. It is also available here in its original Arabic version.
His credentials as an Islamic scholar made him a frequently invited
teacher in places such as Nigeria, Mauritania, Morocco, Ghana, Niger,
Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, South Africa, France, Germany, England, the
United States and beyond. The famous Azhar University in Egypt honored
the Shaykh with an award of “highest distinction”
for his activities as a world-renowned Muslim scholar. We thank Allah
for his presence among us. As has been said of Shaykh Hassan by a
Through him the Sunnah has been revived
Through him the flood of Divine grace has remained among us
And people have set out for God group upon group
In him we have grasped a handhold that never breaks.
Shaykh Hassan passed from this world on August 14, 2008. His furneral
in Medina-Baye, Kaolack, was attended by over two million people and
his departure was mourned by many more around the world. He has been
succeeded by his brother and companion, Shaykh Tijani Cisse.
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